Podcasts I listen to
A run down of the podcasts I listen to the most.

I'm subscribed to a number of podcasts across various genres and many I only found as a result of a recommendation from someone else. To that end I've alphabetically listed the podcasts I listen to the most here for others to enjoy.
I tend to listen using the Google Podcasts app but also use AntennaPod for custom RSS feeds that aren't listed in Google Podcasts (e.g. Patreon subscriber audio feeds).
Darknet Diaries

I've only started to listen to this podcast recently after seeing tweets recommending it. I'd also heard show host Jack Rhysider on Smashing Security. Darknet Diaries discusses "true stories from the dark side of the Internet" featuring stories on the Diginotar certificate authority, Vtech hack, Talk Talk hack etc. The episodes I've listened to so far have covered hacks and cyber security issues that have been reported in media, but Jack does extra research.
Episodes are accessible to those not just working in the cyber security industry, with concepts explained as necessary. This, coupled with covering topics that are likely in the public consciousness make the podcast very easy to listen to. Indeed, the New York Times refers to his narration as "hypnotic" and I'd concur Jack's voice was quite pleasing to hear. Darknet Diaries has been reviewed by a number of news outlets, so it's certainly gaining traction.
You can find out more here and subscribe in your favourite podcast app.
Ladybug Podcast

A tech podcast focused on development, this show looks at various topics from impostor syndrome to CSS to how the show hosts got into software development. A relatively new show but enjoyable nonetheless, albeit very conversational.
Sadly the show is taking a temporary break at the moment. I've learnt a few things from it (how the CSS algorithms work for example) so I hope it comes back soon.
Their website has more details.
Security Now

Security Now has got to be one of the oldest shows on the TWiT network and is hosted by Steve Gibson and chief Twit Leo Laporte. At two hours long this is the longest show I listen to, consequently I'm behind by quite a long way now.
Steve and Leo look at the security news from the last week, discuss changes in cyber security and get quite technical in places. To that end this show is probably the most in-depth I listen to at the moment. I've been listening to Security Now for about 14 years.
Smashing Security

Smashing Security is a fun, weekly, podcast about cyber security (probably the more fun of Security Now / Smashing Security if I'm honest). Show hosts Graham and Carole run through a security story of the week, often with much humour and energy. They're almost always joined by a guest, of which there have been many, some multiple times, who also brings a story. The show rounds out with pick of the week, a not necessarily security related interesting thing that's being recommended. Previous picks include What 3 Words (the co-ordinate tool I use in my local history blog posts), the Cyber Crime Investigations podcast and the "does the dog die?" website. I confess that I enjoy the pick of the week segment as much as the news - it's a really nice feature.
Each episode is about 45 - 50 minutes long, which seems perfect to me. Importantly it doesn't feel that long, which tells me I'm enjoying it. Disclosure: I also support the show on Patreon.
Welcome to Night Vale

I found this podcast following a recommendation on Twitter that was given to someone stuck at an airport. The show takes the format of a community radio station broadcast in the fictional desert town of Night Vale. Many things happen in the town, from rampaging antiques (they're creatures you know), mysterious doors appearing from nowhere (and without any supporting walls), a forbidden dog park and a "literal 15 foot tall 5 headed dragon". Said dragon was subject of the trial of the century.
It's very easy to get sucked into this fictitious world, so much so that I found myself voting in the mayoral election. At this point it's worth highlighting that, firstly, the episode I was listening to was at least five years old; secondly that it's a fictitious podcast and finally that the vote was ignored anyway. I'm also a (real-world) firm believer in angels yet you'll here me say they're "not real but all named Erika" if talking about the podcast. Oh, don't forget the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your house is probably watching you read this too. All hail the glow cloud!
Although the show started in 2012 it's still going in its twice monthly format. You don't have to start at the beginning, each episode being a self contained story, but that would be my recommendation. There's certainly background plot and information you wouldn't get if you jumped straight to the latest episode.
Of my picks, this is the only non-fiction podcast (at the moment) and I'd certainly recommend it to you if you can cope with worlds that aren't real, but are almost plausible. As one friend put it "the problem is, it makes perfect sense - maybe I should be there!".
Find the podcast on the Welcome to Night Vale site and in many podcast apps. Episodes tend to be 20 to 30 minutes long.
Honourable mentions
There are some other podcasts in my list that I either listen to less regularly or am only just getting to know. A quick mention:
- The Cyberwire with Dave Bitner (a Smashing Security guest)
- Human Factor Security (a Smashing Security pick of the week)
- Perfect Night In (a Smashing Security pick of the week)
- Bethel Church "sermon of the week"
Banner image is a screenshot of Smashing Security episode 143, viewed in Audacity.